Republic of Congo


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NOTICE: Frank Adoption Center is not accepting applications for adoptions from the Republic of Congo at this time. No new adoptions can take place while the country makes necessary adjustments to its process since signing to The Hague Convention in 2021. 

The Republic of Congo is a small, proud country of extreme beauty and often, extreme hardship. Our program there is small; we partner with only one home and our involvement is very much a give and take. The home is run by a group of dedicated staff and volunteers - and it is run well. They have the final say in their program and how it progresses. The home processes only a few adoptions per year, with no intention (by those doing the day to day work or by us as an agency) of growing their numbers. That being said, if you are interested in learning more, please be in touch and we will be happy to provide the latest news.

The general requirements for adoption from Republic of Congo: adopting parents must be at least 20 years older than the child they intend to adopt. The program is open to single women over the age of 35; for married couples, at least one parent must be over the age of 30. Couples must be married for a minimum of 5 years. If there are children in the home, a waiver must be obtained from the Court, often adding significant time to the adoption process.