Our Work in Nepal

In the summer of 2010, the US government suspended the adoptions of abandoned children in Nepal by American families, citing allegations of corrupt practice in the country. When the suspension was issued, there were 56 cases in process, all of which were further investigated and no fraud was found. Today, all of these children, have been fully and finally adopted by their American parents.

When the suspension occurred in 2010, all US agencies then working in Nepal also suspended their programs and allowed their licensure to expire. Frank Adoption Center reopened with a goal to play a part in reopening adoptions from Nepal and we have fought a long fight to try and make that happen. During our time in Nepal, we have placed 6 children and spoken with hundreds of families who feel a deep pull to this amazing country.

However, the suspension has remained and there have been significant changes within the structure of the Nepali government as well. The result is that adoptions from Nepal are no longer possible, though we remain in touch with our team on the ground in the hopes of change to come. We also continue to support the children of Nepal through ongoing humanitarian aid work, most notably through our support of the Nepal Adoptive Families Associate (www.nepalafa.org).
