Welcome Home

Congratulations! You've arrived home together and you may be wondering what's next.

First, give yourselves time to catch your breath and rest. We'll be here to help you when you are ready to start taking your first post-adoption steps, two of which are noted below:

Frank Adoption Center requires a minimum of three Post Placement visits. Our standard schedule is 1 month home, 3 months home, and 12 months home, but we always defer to the requirements set by your home state for re-adoption and/or any specific requirements you may have received from your sending country. Your child’s birth country may require additional Post Placement visits and reports beyond that. Please reach out to us if you have questions or concerns about these timeframes.
As some states may not recognize your child’s International Adoption Decree, it is strongly recommended that you re-adopt your child in the United States. Upon completion of the re-adoption process, you will receive an Adoption Decree and new Birth Certificate for your child, from the state of your residence.

Click on the Arrival Packet box and enter the password sent by your caseworker to access more information and resources regarding your arrival home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us. We would love to hear how your family is settling in and help in any way that we can! It has been a joy to work with your family through your adoption process. Thank you for trusting us here at Frank Adoption Center with this journey!

Arrival Packet