Meet The Foster Care Team


Kam Awiszio, Foster Care Program Coordinator

Kam has willfully and wonderfully taken the lead on our Foster Program, coming in from the start to play a vital role in the program’s creation. As we move forward, Kam will work in developing and providing training to prospective parents and as well as working directly with families and children to ensure everyone feels well supported in navigating their new roles. Kam will serve as a leader; a sounding board; and ‘overseer of all things’ related to our work in this new and exciting realm of care.



Mary Beth King, Executive Director

To date, Mary Beth’s focus has been on the agency’s international programming, along with the ongoing ‘business side’ of things. Her previous experience working with teenagers in the foster system came from her time in Cleveland, Ohio – where an amazingly patient and well humored group of teens allowed her to be part of a grant funded program that culminated in a “community chorus” performance of David Bowie’s “Changes” at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. For Frank’s program, Mary Beth will focus primarily on program oversight and implementation, in addition to being available as needed for…anything else.


Chiquita Torres, Office Manager

Chiquita is Frank’s Office Manager and organizer of all things. In addition to being the first point of contact for anyone who calls, she also handles sending documents, forms and resources; keeping files up to date; and ensuring our endless spreadsheets and checklists are being utilized correctly. Chiquita has a wide range of experience in child welfare, having worked in the NC Court system in numerous capacities. She is wonderfully patient, welcoming and offers a calming peace that we all appreciate!