Foster Care

Our Foster Care Licensing program places a unique emphasis on understanding and advocating for the safety, celebration and rights of all children, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community.

This year, we hope to work with up to five Wake County, NC families as we continue learning and growing our program. It is vital that foster families keep in mind that the ultimate goal of foster care is reunification with biological parents or extended family and only when that is not possible are other options to be considered.

While adoption may be one of those options, there are numerous alternatives that can offer a child permanency and stability as they reach adulthood. It is important to realize that adoption is not always what is best.

What's Special About Us?

Since 2013, Frank Adoption Center has played a role in international adoptions, finding our niche in working in “unknown countries” or taking what are perceived by some to be “difficult cases” for any number of reasons. In doing so, we have learned that the ‘hard stuff’ is where we thrive. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical and legal standards while taking into account cultural differences, lived experiences, and norms of the places and clients with whom we work. And we are better for it, personally and professionally.

We hope to soon say the same about our foster program. In North Carolina, the options for LGBTQ+ children in care are limited. In researching, we have heard the word “tolerance” over and over again and while that is certainly a good thing for caregivers to be, these children deserve so much more: our families will be supportive, knowledgeable, celebratory, allied and engaged in the LGBTQ+ community, willing to take all of that and learn and do even more to best support a child in foster care.

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Meet the Foster Care Team

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Steps To Becoming A Foster Parent

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Paperwork to Begin

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Resources For Active Foster Families